Homefield Quartet Heading for Publication

05 Dec 2016

Four Homefield wordsmiths will soon find their works in print having excelled in the Phizz Whizzing Words competition.

Lucas, Benjamin and Qasim in Year 4 as well as Edmund in Year 5 all received a merit certificate from Young Writers for composing an original piece of creative writing that was selected for publication in the Young Writers’ anthology. Young Writers aims to encourage young people to engage in creative writing and has worked with schools and young writers since 1991.

This is a wonderful achievement by each of the boys, beating thousands of other children to the prize. Their work was selected for publication based on perception, imagination, expression and creative use of language.

The book which their works will be published in, titled Phizz-Whizzing Words – Phizzwizards, will be kept at the British Library and further libraries across the UK and Republic of Ireland, providing a lasting record of their achievement. It is scheduled for publication on 28th February 2017. Upon publication, the Young Writers will be rewarding the best writer with a golden ticket to the Roald Dahl museum and Story Centre.

We are keeping our fingers crossed for all four of our boys.