Abbot’s Hill School – News Gym & Dance Displays
16 May 2016
Congratulations to all of the girls who were involved in the Gym & Dance Displays at Abbot’s Hill.
The Prep School performed their brilliant pieces to sold out audiences in the Theatre on Tuesday 8 March. The display included all of the girls from Years 3-6, although some of the girls were experienced performers, for many this was their first time performing in front of an audience.
The Senior School performed on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 March and were well supported by family members and staff. The display included group performances and solo pieces which all showcased the brilliantly talented dancers and gymnasts that we have at Abbot’s Hill!
Well done to all of the girls who worked extremely hard on their performances.
Thank you to Esme Robinson for photographing the performances, and to the PE staff for organising the events.