Burgess Hill Girls amongst Top UK Schools for A Level Results

05 Sep 2023

Burgess Hill Girls has been listed as one of top 100 schools in the UK in the Telegraph’s 2023 A Levels Results Table for Private Schools. 57th overall, the school was the 20th boarding school and the 4th girls’ boarding school in the UK. The school was 1st in West Sussex and 1st girls’ school across the whole of Sussex.

Burgess Hill Girls in top schools for A level results2023 was the year when Ofqual announced a return to pre-pandemic grading standards for results. This meant a significant decrease in top grades (A or A*), from 36% in 2022 to 27% in 2023. However, students from Burgess Hill Girls achieved 57% of entries at A*/A and 80% graded A*-B. These outstanding results have helped one in five of the cohort secure places at Oxford, Cambridge, and medical schools. Almost all students gained their firm or insurance university choice, with courses ranging from Architecture to Linguistics, International Business to Diagnostic Radiography.

Burgess Hill Girls is a welcoming and friendly school that prides itself on its inclusivity. Fees are lower than competitive schools and it is not super selective, accepting students performing at national average levels and above. Many of the students sitting their A Levels this year joined the School’s Sixth Form from local state schools including Millais, Warden Park, and Burgess Hill Academy.

Anah Zakeer, who joined from Millais achieved two A* and an A and will study Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at the London School of Economics.

“The last two years have easily been the most formative of my life. Burgess Hill Girls has given me the resources and encouragement to realise just how much opportunity is out there.”

Head Lars Fox said,

“I am immensely proud of what this year group has achieved, especially when you consider the disruption to their studies in previous years due to the pandemic. We should not forget this is their first time sitting formal external exams! Being the top school in West Sussex is testament to the nurturing environment we have at Burgess Hill Girls; however, I am most excited to see students securing places at so many prestigious universities across such a diverse range of courses. I cannot wait to see what this group of Tomorrow’s Women will achieve next.”


Burgess Hill Girls – West Sussex