Excellent A Level results, 2020 – LVS Ascot
13 Aug 2020
LVS Ascot is excited to share that despite the national controversy, overall our A-Level results are excellent. The increase in top grades are particularly pleasing.
Grade A*- 8.05% (2019 – 4.6%, 2018-5.7%, 2017-4.6%, 2016 -7.7%, 2015- 5.8%, 2014- 3.8%)
Grade A- 14.94% (2019 – 11.8%, 2018-7.5%, 2017- 11.8%, 2016 – 12.2%, 2015-10.5%, 2014-8.4%)
Grade A*-A – 22.99% (2019 – 16.4%, 2018-13.2%, 2017-16.4%, 2016- 20%, 2015-16.3%, 2014-12.3%)
Grade A*-B – 49.43% (2019 – 35.9%, 2018-39.4%, 2017-48.2%, 2016 – 44%, 2015-42.6%, 2014-41.9%)
Grade A*-C – 75.29% (2019 – 67.3%, 2018-67.9%, 2017-78.4%, 2016- 73.2%, 2015 -62.2% 2014-71%)
Overall pass rate A*-E – 97.7% (2019 – 98.2%, 2018- 98.3%, 2017- 99.5%, 2016 – 99.2%, 2015-96.2%, 2014-96.1%)
Principal of the school Christine Cunniffe says, ‘ These are unprecedented times and despite the current situation, overall we are happy with the results. We do however appreciate there will be a number of students who will need additional support and guidance as they look at next steps for the future and so all of our efforts here at LVS Ascot will be in channelled into providing one to one support sessions both in person and online.’