Excellent GCSE results at St Joseph’s College

04 Sep 2012

Students  were celebrating  after achieving excellent GCSE results.  88% of pupils achieved five or more passes at grades A* – C and more than 40% achieved grades A* – A.

Several pupils achieved outstanding results, including, Adele Trevorrow with 10 A*s and 1 A, Ankita Sahadev with 9 A*’s and 2 A’s, Sophie Andrews with 8 A*’s and 1 A and Georgina Westwood with 7 A*s and 3 As.  Jennifer Thomas achieved 9 A*s and Alaa Al-Dibouni, Cristina Ayala and Josephine Wideman, who each gained 8 A*s to A grades.

Maureen Sheridan, Headmistress, said: ‘We are delighted with these results, which are a credit to the hard work put in by our pupils and the dedication of our teaching staff. We work very hard to ensure that all pupils fulfil their potential and are well prepared to continue their study in the sixth form. Many congratulations to all!’


Five or more passes Grades A* – C including English and Maths – 78%

Five or more passes Grades A* – C – 88%

Five or more passes Grades A* – C including English, Maths, 2 x Sciences, Geography/History – 49%

Grades A* – A – 41%

Grades A* – G – 100%