Llew’s Oxford ambitions get one step closer!

23 Mar 2012

Local Christ College pupil Llew Davies is set to continue his school’s strong Oxbridge tradition after being offered a place at Oxford University. Llew, from Brecon who joined Christ College from Welsh medium primary school Ysgol y Bannau in 2006, has been offered a place at Jesus College, Oxford to read Chemistry.

Llew’s achievement however has come as no major surprise to those who have been supporting him through his academic studies at Christ College.

Head of Chemistry Dr Paul Smith said: “I rate Llew very highly indeed. He produced an outstanding set of AS results last year and he has continued this form into this academic year. He has benefited from the higher level chemistry sessions that the school has put on and he has taken full advantage of these.”

Dr Smith added: “The school has a strong programme in place to support pupils with specific Oxbridge ambitions and the intense application process this brings.”

Llew’s Houseparent at Christ College, Mr Mark Sims reflected on his overall contribution to school life, saying: “He has played regularly for the 1st XV rugby team, impressing with his fitness and ‘never say die’ attitude. He is an active member of the Head’s essay society as well as an enthusiastic member of the Christ College Male Voice Choir too! As a House Prefect he has a considerable amount of presence, influence and responsibility in our environment and sets a commendable example to the junior boys. He has been a major contributor to the happy atmosphere here and is keen to support in every way.”

Head Emma Taylor said: “I have been delighted to observe the growing maturity and increased personal confidence that I have see in Llew during his time at Christ College. He has always shown academic talent and diligence, but the objective of his Oxford application really has caused him to raise his game and he is really firing well intellectually. I’m delighted that Oxford University has recognised his potential.”

Mrs Taylor concluded: “Some heroic tackling on the rugby field and learning the skills of chairmanship with me in Essay Society have kept Llew’s life busy and balanced … a feature of all of our high achievers here at Christ College!”