Millfield celebrates student achievements in an extraordinary results year

20 Aug 2020

Millfield A Level students are celebrating their achievements today following an extraordinary year with no public summer exams.

Millfield Headmaster Gavin Horgan says, “The wait and uncertainty around the awarding of grades this year has been really difficulty for all students, parents and staff alike. As every year, we celebrate everyone’s achievements, whether that be all A* grades and a place at a prestigious university or whether a student’s educational journey has led them on to discover a brilliance and a passion in a particular field that they now know they want to pursue. We wish all of our students the best on the next stage in their lives and with their future careers, and we wish them the determination to not let this year stand in the way of their hopes and dreams because they will have learnt different skills whilst adapting to studying at home, have taken on new challenges in supporting others as a result of the pandemic and gained new knowledge from the Summer Diploma courses taken that they wouldn’t have had otherwise and that will stand them apart as a 2020 leaver.”

Exceptional individual achievements include:

Top achiever Vilem Horak achieved four A*s in Computer Science, Further Mathematics,  Mathematics and  Physics. While at Millfield, Vilem was a keen member of the Triathlon team. He will now go on to study Mathematics at the University of Warwick.

Lucie Gonder, who overcame severe dyslexia, received D*D*D* in BTEC Art and Design alongside an A* in A level Product Design.

According to Millfield Headmaster Gavin Horgan, the style of teaching at Millfield has “unlocked Lucie’s potential”, as well as giving the model student the confidence to pursue design after her previous school overlooked her creative potential. Lucie said Millfield’s Careers Department succeeded in giving her perspective on creative career options for university and beyond, something that her previous school could not do.

Vilem will now go on to study Mathematics at the University of Warwick and would like to pursue a career in an environmental field, and Lucie will attend Central St Martins to study Product and Industrial Design.