We are delighted to share that North Bridge House Preparatory School has been rated ‘Excellent’ in both the quality of pupils’ academic achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. This is the highest possible achievement in an inspection of this kind and is a testament to the outstanding staff and pupils we have at North Bridge House.

North Bridge House Prep SchoolAcademically, students have ‘excellent knowledge and high levels of skill across all areas of learning’. Students were found to have ‘highly developed study skills’, making ‘rapid progress’ from their starting points. Not only do our students achieve highly, but they develop a genuine love of learning which inspires them to be the best that they can be. Throughout the school, ‘excellent attitudes to learning’ inspire child-led learning that develops confidence and self-esteem.

Students are just as successful in their extra-curricular endeavours as they are in their academic studies. Within sports, ‘individuals have represented the school in regional competitions in golf, tennis, cricket, gymnastics, athletics, swimming and football’, with pupils’ competing in ‘tennis and chess having had their skills recognised nationally’. 86% of pupils taking LAMDA exams achieved the highest grade of distinction, and 63% of UKMT Global Challenge mathematicians achieved bronze certificates or higher. Within visual art, pupils have ‘art exhibited in nationally renowned art galleries’ and the ‘school choir were finalists in a national singing competition’. With such a broad and successful programme of activities on offer, our students are truly supported in finding their ‘True North’.

The inspectors noted ‘high-levels of self-confidence’, ‘highly developed social skills’ and a ‘strong respect for all’ within our diverse community. Pupils’ excellent personal development is facilitated by the nurturing and ambitious school culture. The ‘emphasis on kindness’ within the school reinforces our pupils’ understanding of right and wrong and promotes an inclusive and supportive environment. Pupils’ regard for the community and the world around us is strong; the inspector noted that the student-led ‘eco councils’ develop successful initiatives while ‘individual children’ initiate some of the school’s charity collections. Our pupils take initiative and make a real impact on our school community by taking on leadership roles and making ‘informed choices’.

North Bridge House Prep School graduates are excellently prepared for the next stage of their education and many ‘achieve scholarship awards in recognition of their academic ability or skills in performing arts, sports and drama’, with around ‘half of pupils entering the North Bridge House group senior schools and half gaining places at independent schools with competitive entry criteria’.

We are very proud of our students’ achievements and the dedication of our staff; this report exemplifies the success of our school in guiding students to find their ‘True North’.

Inspectors’ comments:

  • Pupils’ independence and eagerness to take initiative are enhanced by their experiences on residential trips and the breadth of curricular and extra-curricular experiences with the result that the school enables all to find their ‘True North’
  • Pupils speak with clarity and enthusiasm in class discussions, whilst also listening respectfully to the views of others. This is enabled through the strong and supportive relationships pupils have with each other and their teachers
  • Pupils with SEND make rapid progress from their starting points. This is because of the effective individual support that they receive
  • Pupils gain great self-belief and pride from the celebration of their work by peers and teachers
  • High levels of confidence grew from the warm, friendly and supportive culture of the school
  • Pupils show a high level of respect for the diversity within their own community and beyond because of the emphasis on this as one of the three school values
  • Pupils have an excellent understanding of the importance of health and wellbeing through the focus of the ‘Global Be Well’ initiative by Cognita 

Click here to read the full report.