St Joseph’s College A level success

04 Sep 2012

Sixth form students at St Joseph’s College in Reading have again celebrated excellent A Level results today, achieving a perfect pass rate of 100% with 89% of results at A*-C.

Top performing students Fiona Tomas, Helen Parnell-Murphy, Maeva Vinet and Alex Davidson each gained three or more A* and A grades, securing places at their first-choice UK universities. Fiona, who achieved an A* in English, and A Grades in French and Spanish, will go on to study Italian and Spanish at Leeds; Helen gained three Grade As in English, History and Philosophy and Ethics, and plans to read History at Exeter; and Maeva will study International Business with Spanish at Warwick with four Grade As in Business Studies, French, Maths and Psychology and a B grade in Spanish. Alex, who gained an A* Psychology and two A grades in English and Philosophy and Ethics, was delighted to be awarded a place at Queen Mary’s College, University of London, to study Law. 

Maureen Sheridan, Headmistress said: ‘We are extremely pleased with the results achieved by our students, which are testament to their hard work and the quality and dedication of our teaching staff. I wish all the students every success as they continue their studies in the future.’