Thames Christian School – Achievements of our Artists
12 May 2017
Our pupils have been producing some amazing pieces of artwork this term that have gained recognition outside school. Margot, Year 9, has had her copy of Albrecht Dürer’s Praying Hands accepted by idea magazine. Her sensitively drawn image will appear in the May/June issue to illustrate different expressions of creativity and how art can be inspired by faith. Four of our pupils, Jed, Alex, Margot and Kale, exhibited at the Aspire2inspire Dyslexia Art Exhibition during half term, an event illustrating the connection between dyslexia and creativity.
Our Year 8s have produced some striking drawings as well as clay tiles in the manner of Georgia O’Keeffe and Year 9 have produced some expressive self portraits in charcoal. You can enjoy some of these artworks on our social media pages: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Here is a drawing of an eye, Georgia O’Keeffe style, created by Georgia in Year 8.