Wycliffe Prep School – Pupils bring History to life at the Crown Court

25 Jun 2019

At Gloucester Crown Court 21 pupils from Y7/8 performed in a reenactment of the unsolved case  from 1931 of the trial of William Wallace (Oliver Burrows) for the murder of his wife Julia. Also on trial was Richard Gordon Parry (Harry Tawlks) a friend and associate, who was not in the original trial.

The inspiration for the trial was Antony Brown’s book “Move to Murder”. Antony was able to join us and see his book brought alive. Pupil’s parents were also present, some of which were on the jury, lead by Y8 pupil Takara.

All of the pupils were superb on the day and managed to get across their points to convince the jury that Richard Parry was guilty and deserved to be hanged, whilst Wallace walked a way a free man.  Special thanks must go to pupils Lily and Sophie who represented their respective defence and prosecution teams brilliantly.