Alder Bridge School – Taming the Dragon
13 Oct 2017
Michaelmas marks the crossover of the seasons, where Summer fades and Autumn weaves a cloak of leaves and mist over the earth. The evenings start to draw in, there is a nip in the air, and we work to bring in the harvest which will feed us through the long, cold Winter.
The children celebrated Michaelmas last week by performing feats of courage in the woodland. A feast followed – warming soup made by Class 3/4 from vegetables they had grown and harvested, accompanied by dragon bread made by Class 1/2, and washed down with apple juice pressed by Class 5/6.
Michaelmas time, Michaelmas time!
Time is turning under the plough,
Under the stars, under the signs,
The ploughman toils with deep furrowed brow.
He turns his thoughts against the cold,
Buries his fears ‘neath the Earth’s deep mould.
Frost, like fire, burns white on the blade,
Of his iron share that red fire made.