All time high GCSE results for Exeter School

10 Oct 2013

46.9% of grades A* and 80.3% of grades A* or A 

Exeter School pupils, parents and staff are celebrating another round of consistently good GCSE results which have set two new records in excellence.

46.9% of all grades were A*, beating last year’s record of 47.5%, and 80.3% were A* or A grades, compared to last year’s 75.5%.

99.5% of grades were A* – C.

There were many high achievers across the range of 19 subjects with almost two thirds – 63 pupils – achieving eight or more A* or A grades.

Thirty-five pupils scored 10 A*/A grades.

The highest individual achievers were Ashe de Sousa, Marcus Hoddinott, James Krafft, Marius Pézard-Snell and Rosie Vercoe who each secured ten A*s.

James Krafft has been awarded an Arkwright Engineering Scholarship, a prestigious national award given to promising young engineers completing their GCSEs.

Charlotte Stacey and Seb Wright both scored nine A*s and two A grades.

Seb Wright took some of his GCSE exams in the Royal Devon & Exeter’s Bramble Ward after being taken ill with a heart infection.

The majority of pupils, including these top scorers, are continuing their studies at Exeter School.

Headmaster Bob Griffin said: “These outcomes are really very pleasing and augur well for our new Lower Sixth Form cohort’s progress. I congratulate the pupils and their teachers for working together so successfully to achieve so much.”