Another very good year for RGS Worcester A Level students

22 Aug 2013

RGS A Level students were celebrating, as news of their impressive results came through from the examination boards. The overall RGS pass rate (grades A-E) was 100%, with 71.8% of subjects taken scoring A*, A and B grades. 38.2% of the grades were at A* or A grade.

No fewer than 25 candidates achieved at least three A*/A grades at A Level, with several gaining four or five A grades, facts which suggest that most RGS leavers should get places at their first-choice universities.

Headmaster Andy Rattue was very pleased with the results: “I am delighted that the hard work of our students has been rewarded, and that they can proceed with confidence to university. These results are also a tribute to the professionalism and dedication of the RGS teaching staff, whose attention to detail has helped our students pick their way through the A Level minefield. We read a lot about dumbing down in the national press, and the way in which, nationally, teenagers are avoiding ‘difficult’ subjects.

“It’s worth pointing out that some of our strongest results are consistently in subjects such as Chemistry, French, Geography, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Spanish, though our candidates have also done very well in less traditional subjects such as Art and Textiles. We also need to see academic results in the context of everything else our students are involved in, such as sport, drama, music, expeditions and charity fundraising. It’s been a great pleasure to see these young men and women keep life in perspective.”