Best School Music Department

28 Feb 2014

On Friday 7th February Louise Higson, Farlington’s Headmistress, Anne Stearns, Director of Music, and Sara Greer, the school’s Marketing Director, attended the awards ceremony of the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence held at the Barbican, London.

The event, sponsored by Classic FM, was hosted by the radio presenter, Margherita Taylor, and was a glittering event with a champagne reception and dinner.

Although Farlington’s music department did not win (this year!), it did very well to reach the final shortlist for the Best School Music Department Award with four other schools from over 200 nominations. The award’s aim is to recognise primary and secondary music departments with a track record of innovative, inclusive and excellent music education. The judges also looked for evidence that schools were having a strong musical impact in their surrounding areas.

Music is taught to all pupils throughout the school under the inspirational and dynamic leadership of Anne Stearns, Director of Music, ably assisted by Jane Thomas. The girls have myriad opportunities to enjoy playing instruments through orchestras, string ensembles, recorder groups, a samba band, a jazz band, a wind quintet, flute choir, guitar ensemble and a rock band. Farlington offers vocalists six choirs to choose from which perform in a variety of styles from show tunes to an advanced chamber choir.

Ms Higson, Farlington Headmistress, said, “Both Mrs Stearns and Mrs Thomas work tremendously hard and are unfailing in their enthusiasm and desire to get the best out each girl, regardless of her level. Congratulations to them for reaching the final!”