Cause for Celebration at Prior Park College as GCSE Results Announced

28 Aug 2012

Prior Park is once again celebrating outstanding GCSE results. Highlights included a 96% pass rate at A*- C, with almost 3 in every 5 grades being at the highest A*-A and 84% of all passes being at A*-B. The College is proud of its pupils’ achievements and delighted with the best results in the last three years.

Exceptional results were recorded in the sciences – with Physics receiving 83% A*-A grades, Chemistry 80% (half of these grades were at the highest A*) and Biology 77%. In Mathematics, in which some of the candidates were completing IGCSE for the first time, results remained strong with 64% of pupils achieving A*-A. Additionally, the College’s fine reputation in Music has been upheld with an 82% A*-A achievement record.

The Gallegos family has a double reason to celebrate today’s results. Twins Harriet and Eleanor made themselves, their family and their school proud with Eleanor achieving a clean sweep of 11 A* grades, and Harriet following close behind with 10 A* and 1 A grades.

Headmaster, James Murphy-O’Connor comments: “In this Olympic year we have been extolling Olympic values such as dedication and determination in our school community. Our GCSE pupils have clearly taken this message on board and delivered gold medal performances. This is a year group that deserves its success and we have every confidence that they will build on this success and serve as excellent role models as members of our Sixth Form.”