Exeter School pleased with excellent A Level results

10 Oct 2013

100% pass rate with 56% of grades either A* or A and 84% A*, A or B

Exeter School pupils, parents and staff are celebrating another set of very good A Level results with an overall pass rate of 100% for the tenth year in a row.

18% of all grades were A* and 56% of grades were either A* or A.

84% of all grades were A*, A or B and the average number of UCAS (university entry requirement points) per candidate was 397, which is equivalent to over three A grades per candidate.

There were many high achievers across the range of 22 subjects with over one third – 41 pupils – achieving three or more A* or A grades.

These top scorers are Joe Allen (Engineering at Magdalene College, Cambridge University) Natasha ffrench-Constant (Medicine at Bristol University), Helena Marshall (English at York University), Alex Porter (Geography at Leeds University) and Felix Stephenson (Natural Sciences at Durham University).

Head Boy Harry Vercoe scored three A*s and one A grade and has secured his place at Cardiff to study Medicine.

Lulu Chrupek, Will Parry and David Salmon all scored three A*s. Lulu intends to take a year off and apply to study Human Sciences at Oxford University. Will is going to read Economics at the London School of Economics and David is off to Imperial College London to study Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Four pupils, including Head Girl Rebecca Glover and Head Boy Harry Vercoe have successfully met their high university offers to begin their medical training this autumn. Rebecca beat off impressive competition to win an Army Scholarship to study Medicine at Sheffield.

Will Bell secured his medical place at Newcastle University with two A*s and one A and Natasha ffrench-Constant’s excellent results ensured her place at Bristol University.

Nat Newman was also awarded an Army Scholarship and goes on to study Mechanical Engineering at Nottingham having scored one A*, two As and a B.

Large numbers of Exeter School pupils are going to Russell Group universities.

Sixteen pupils undertook the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) of whom 11 scored A* or A.

Headmaster Bob Griffin said: “This is a pleasing set of results for a year group which has worked hard and contributed hugely to the extra-curricular life of our busy school. They can look forward to their university careers with confidence. I congratulate all our pupils and staff, whose hard work has paid off.”