Farlington School – Young Enterprise award

27 Feb 2014

Farlington’s Young Enterprise group won the Best Business Plan after the regional pitch at Thomas Eggar LLP in Crawley on Monday 3rd February.

The Sixth Formers, who are running a seasonal events company called ‘Just Hampers’, gave an excellent presentation in a Dragons’ Den environment after submitting their award-winning business plan for the North Sussex Young Enterprise Region.

Ellie Burnell-Price and Jess Clarke, supported by Skye Garbi-Chapman, made a very convincing business case in front of five local business professionals in the boardroom to win a cash prize for their company and now need to implement their ideas for the Regional Finals in Crawley at the end of April.

Over the festive season they produced Christmas hampers containing crackers, chocolates, chutney, socks and hot chocolate sets.

They have since moved onto making Valentine’s Day-themed gifts – heart ornaments with motifs such as ‘Stupid Cupid’ and ‘P.S. I love you’, heart-shaped chocolates and gift hampers containing red roses, chocolates, smellies and jewellery which they have been selling at craft fairs in the local area.

To generate cash-flow the girls supplemented their income with two very successful events aimed at the younger pupils of the school. The company, Just Hampers, needs to raise in excess of £580 to ensure they make a profit and they are well on their way to doing just that.

To order a gift hamper, class 07532 351651 or go to their website www.justhampers.moonfruit.com.