Greenfields Around The World

04 Sep 2017

Greenfields staff and children have been very busy this year both with promoting the school’s unique teaching methods and with community outreach actions.

Earlier this year Mr Jeff Smith, Executive Head went on tour to Japan, Taiwan and Ukraine where he visited other schools and gave talks on what it is like in an English boarding school and about the use of Study Technology (a method the school uses to help children learn any subject and be able to use what they have learned in life and not just to pass exams).

Pictures above show Mr Smith giving a lecture to 40 Polish children who visited the school in May to hear more about the school and its study methods, and again to 25 Chinese children who arrived in June to take part in a Greenfields summer EFL (English as a Foreign Language) programme.

A tour was also made to Czechoslovakia with Greenfields own junior school teacher Tereza Stastna and the manager of the Greenfields Trust sponsored Effective Information Centre, Brenda Mc Quade. They visited and gave lectures to a series of the LITE language schools in Czechoslovakia.

Meanwhile at Greenfields itself, the school had a visit from an Indian Educator very interested in its methods and how he could implement them in Indian schools. Greenfields Science teacher Ms Joystna Maity, along with some of Greenfields own pupils, have also been fundraising to furnish a school in India with its first computer. The computer has now been set up and fundraising continues to next provide an interactive whiteboard.

For more information about what makes Greenfields unique please contact us.

Photo: Mr Smith giving a lecture to 40 Polish children who visited the school in May