Greenfields – parent satisfaction

04 Mar 2014

This letter is from the parent of a boarder 
“I come from Switzerland and I am the mother of a 15 years old girl.Last year we moved to East Grinstead and put our daughter in Greenfields School – and believe me this was a very good choice.My daughter has found in this school a very friendly environment. The teachers are very close to the students and take good care of them.  She has made many new friends from England and many different countries of the world which has given her a broader viewpoint on other areas and cultures.This school uses a unique study technology based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard which teaches students how to learn. The results I can see of this is that children continue to be interested in their studies, they come home happy and they stay motivated as they look forward to the future. It’s a pleasure as a mother to find a child happy every day after school, willing to do her homework, and getting excellent results at school.

The school also organises many outings to London, music, theatre etc.  And every year, the children create, produce and perform a play in the summer term. This encourages their creativity to have a place there – it’s not only swallowing data.

Also, the environment is very safe. I feel totally relaxed and confident that my daughter is protected in that school. A system of rules is applied and this system protects the good students and penalises or corrects the children who need help in order to make them understand what good behaviour is.

My daughter has always been gifted at school but in the past this sometimes acted against her as she was a “good student” and this sometimes created jealousy.  In this school she can move at her own rhythm and nobody is mean to her because of her fast progress. She is respected as she is by the other students and the teachers.

I consider that as parents we have a real responsibility to find the best for our children’s’ education and I think that I’ve accomplished this part by putting my daughter in this school.

I want to thank all the team of Greenfields.”