Greenfields study methods by Graduate with Honours…

05 Dec 2012

When I first came to Greenfields I was amazed by the drive of the older students. Their compassion, their efficiency, their desire to do the right thing inspired me to work hard and achieve. Study Technology* has taught me to learn and understand as an individual. I’d like to truly thank all the teachers for working together and making this unique education possible.

It’s great to be in a school where one is not looked down on as an individual but treated as an equal. The teacher/student relationship here is a friendship, not a hierarchy of superiority as in other schools I have attended. This means that learning is not forced and takes place in a civilised atmosphere which encourages the student to expand.

The most considerable specific difference I’ve noticed using Study Technology is in my increased understanding of Physics and my expanded vocabulary. Physics is not an easy subject and it gets more difficult as one goes on. In A Level Physics, Study Technology became vital in terms of grasping the key concepts and I really noticed this. The ability to learn anything is an amazing skill I’ve gained and I’ll use it whenever I need to really understand something. I feel confident that with this tool I have the ability to succeed with further academics.

Unusually for a Sixth Former, I have already started a career and am beginning my own business… I’m confident in what I do and see a great deal of success ahead.

This school has been a wonderful experience for me and that positive perspective will never falter.

Geeshan Willink – Graduate with Honours 2012