22 Aug 2012

Sibford School has announced the appointment of Helen Farley as head of its support for learning department.

Helen, who takes up her appointment in September, was previously head of learning support at Clayesmore School in Dorset where a recent inspection congratulated her for creating ‘one of the most integrated learning support units in the UK’.

She is a consultant for CReSTeD, the Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils, and has conducted a workshop for the Special Educational Needs National Conference on the difficulties faced by secondary school pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities.

“Leaning difficulties are a complicated issue and shouldn’t be labeled,” said Helen. “Typically a child won’t be just dyslexic or dyspraxic. They will have a range of issues, yet all too often schools make the mistake of focusing on the difficulty rather than the individual inside.

“I believe we need to start with the child behind the difficulty and to ensure that the school as a whole can help them to become the very best they can.”

Sibford head Michael Goodwin said: “We are delighted that Helen is joining us and know that her considerable strengths will make an impressive addition to this already successful department.”
Sibford is highly rated for its integrated approach to learning support. A third of the pupils who attend the Quaker school are dyslexic but follow the main school timetable thanks to specialist support.

Photo: Helen Farley with Sibford head Michael Goodwin.