Laura named as an exceptional geography student by Royal Geographic Society

06 Feb 2012

Laura Brown, a Y12 pupil at The Royal Hospital School, has recently received a Royal Geographical Society Excellence Award for her exceptional work in Geography GCSE. She is one of only eight pupils in the country to receive this award, which is the highest achievement possible in GCSE Geography.
Lindsay Frost, Head of Geography at the Royal Hospital School said, “Laura is a superb and inquisitive pupil who has always worked hard and responded well to the advice and guidance of her teachers, consequently she did not drop a mark in any of her four GCSE Geography modules. Laura is now studying A Level Geography and it is hoped that she will be another successful entrant to Oxford or Cambridge University; a testament to her hard work and geographical ability. Laura is amongst the best geographers that have ever studied at the School, and certainly is the most conscientious. She thoroughly deserves this prestigious award”.
The Royal Geographical Society Head of Education, Steve Brace said “These students are to be congratulated on the their exceptional grades, This is testament to their hard work and abilities as geographers, as well as the high quality teaching that takes place in their schools.”
Laura received a cash award and certificate from the Society.