Lime House School – GCE A LEVEL PERFORMANCE 2017
22 Feb 2018
For the second year running Lime House School has been ranked in the top 100 schools in England & Wales according to the Department for Education’s School Performance tables released last week. This reflects the school’s GCE A level performance in 2017 and compares the school’s performance with 4417 other schools. The tables reflect the performance of A level students in achieving at least AAB in what are called facilitating subjects (Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English Literature, Geography, History and Modern Languages) for entry to the top Universities in the UK (Russell group). The school was ranked 1st in Cumbria (46 schools).
The pupils and staff are absolutely elated with these results and, when announced to the students, the response was applause and cheering. Parents from various parts of the world are equally delighted. Congratulations on the hard work of all the staff in the school but, more importantly, the effort, enthusiasm and work displayed by a highly motivated student population.