Looking Forward to Sixth Form

04 Sep 2012


Year 11 students are looking forward to continuing their studies in the College’s sixth form having achieved excellent results in their GCSE examinations.  

High performing students include Ankita Sahadev with 9 A*s and 2 As, Sophie Andrews who gained 8 A*s and 1 A, Madeleine West with 8 A grades and an A* in English and Sophie Hennah with 7 As and 4 B grades.  

Ankita, who is a keen participant in the College’s drama productions and a member of the College’s debating team, will go on to study French, English, Psychology and Philosophy & Ethics. Sophie Andrews, a talented young musician, who plays piano and clarinet and performs in the College’s orchestras and senior choir, will take Music, Philosophy & Ethics, Maths and Further Maths. Madeleine, another keen musician who plays the flute and takes part in the College’s orchestras and senior choir, is looking forward to continuing studies in Music, English, Maths and History.

Sophie Hennah, who will study Maths and Further Maths with Spanish and Business Studies has been actively involved in all aspects of school life since she joined the College in Year 7, regularly representing the College in sport and also leading an effective fundraising campaign on behalf of the Thames Valley and Chiltern Air Ambulance Charity.

Chase McCallion gained A*s across the sciences and an A grade in Additional Maths. He also plans to take Maths and Further Maths with Physics and Chemistry.