29 Mar 2019

Having won the Lord Wandsworth College internal round of the public speaking competition; Articulation, Makoto N went forward to represent the College at the regional round at Roche Court. Eight other schools from the south west put forward their best candidate. The topics were wide- ranging and highly personal and Makoto’s speech about the artist, Tamara de Lempicka, focussed on his personal responses to this artist’s portraiture of her daughter. Makoto’s themes were, innocence, motherhood and beauty. The speech, based on a portrait of the Lempicka’s daughter, led the Articulate audience on an insightful journey into Makoto’s chosen themes.

Makoto’s speech was erudite and well-constructed.  He spoke with humour, involved his audience, drawing sincere congratulations afterwards from the organisers of the event; “Are you basking in the glory of your success?” said one. The adjudicator was Olivia Warham, the director of “Waging Peace”. She clearly warmed to Makoto’s work. She congratulated Makoto saying that she had “really enjoyed” his speech and there was no doubt that she related to it in a personal level, revealing how closely she could empathise with his themes. She stated that his speech had captured issues of adolescence and what that means to both parent and child, summing up by saying that it had been “really well put across”.

Makoto entirely held his own. When asked if he felt it had all been worth while he immediately affirmed so, and that the runners-up canvas bag was something he was keen to acquisition, ever since attending the Articulate conference in the Lower 6th!

Olivia G (a close runner up in the LWC internal Articulate round) and Evie R, a fellow A Level artist, elected to come to the event to support Makoto. These three have been unassuming, and enthusiastically committed to Articulate, thereby enriching their own personal creative journeys; we are really proud of them.

Mrs Stevens, Art department