LVS Ascot Celebrates Its Patron The Queen’s 90th Birthday On The Mall In London

29 Jun 2016

Pupils from LVS Ascot school enjoyed a day out they will never forget on Sunday when they took part in the world’s biggest street party at The Patron’s Lunch on The Mall.

Seven pupils, including representatives from the juniors, seniors and sixth form at the independent all-ability school, cheered The Queen as her procession moved past them and enjoyed a special lunch to celebrate her 90th birthday and 63 years as patron of a host of organisations including LVS Ascot.

The lucky pupils were selected to represent LVS Ascot as recognition for their contribution to school life and taking leading roles both academically and pastorally. Junior school Head Girl Charlotte Reid said: It was a privilege to be invited to this amazing event that I will remember for ever and ever. I am extremely lucky to see The Queen, Buckingham Palace and the colourful parade”.

Zoe Carlin, who joined the school in Year 4 and is set to leave at the end of Year 13 this summer to go on to university, added: “I loved being able to experience the wonderful atmosphere and see The Queen in person on such a special day – a day I will never forget and an incredible way to round off my time at LVS Ascot”.

The day began with heavy rain but spirits were soon lifted by an amazing entertainment parade including marching bands, dancers and carnival creations, and a special hamper lunch prepared by Marks & Spencer, with individual hampers a great keepsake for guests to take home after the event. This was followed by members of the Royal Family including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge walking down The Mall talking to well-wishers, before The Queen’s drive past at close range which proved to be the most memorable part

of a fantastic day for students eager to gain a photographic memento of their rare trip. The Queen then addressed the crowd of 10,000 revellers before returning down The Mall to enjoy a further entertainment parade.

Senior Master of Junior School Ed Dennis who led the trip said: “All of our pupils who made the trip were fantastic ambassadors for the school. They recognised the prestige of the occasion which very few schoolchildren were able to experience, and made the most of it. We are honoured to have The Queen as our patron and were delighted to share such a grand occasion with her”.

The Queen visited LVS Ascot in 1994 in her role as patron. Archive footage from that visit, released by the school last week in advance of The Patron’s Lunch, proved a huge hit reaching nearly 30,000 people on social media. You can watch the footage here.