New Head for Heatherton House School

21 Jan 2016

Debbie Isaachsen has been appointed as the new Headteacher at Heatherton House Independent Girls Preparatory School, Amersham. She replaces Peter Rushforth, who retired in December after over 12 years as Head of the School.

Raised and educated in Buckinghamshire, Mrs Isaachsen returns to the area to take up the post at the start of the new term. She comes to Heatherton from Cheltenham College Preparatory School, where she was Head of Lower School since 2010 and previously Deputy Head of the Pre-Prep Department.

“I am delighted to be leading such an incredible school,” said Mrs Isaachsen. “Heatherton House quite rightly has an enviable reputation in the area for being a forward-thinking, innovative and inspiring school. Its warm, family-feel ethos is second to none and it has benefited enormously from being part of the Berkhamsted Schools Group.

Following Heatherton’s ranking of third in the 2015 Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Preparatory Schools, Richard Backhouse, the new Principal of Berkhamsted Schools Group, says he is delighted that a leader of Mrs Isaachsen’s calibre will take Heatherton forward to continued success: “Debbie has extensive teaching and leadership experience from both the independent and maintained sectors, having taught in all year groups and across all disciplines in both Prep and Pre-Prep. A willingness to innovate and develop the curriculum has been a hallmark of her leadership at Cheltenham College Prep School.”

Mrs Isaachsen has recently been awarded a Masters’ degree in Educational Leadership, where her study choices were directed towards teacher performance and teaching and learning.

She is married to Alex, Director of ICT at Cheltenham College, and has two children aged nine and 11.