Oswestry School footballers win the 60th anniversary 2017 Independent Schools Football Association Sixes competition

09 Oct 2017

60 years after it was first held in 1957, the 2017 Independents Schools Football Association Sixes was hosted by historic Charterhouse. 28 schools competed in four groups of 7 teams.

Oswestry School returned to the competition after a gap of 5 years and excelled in defeating Dulwich, Shrewsbury and Charterhouse to life the plate competition. Oswestry were not expected to cause much of an impact at this year’s tournament, but after winning the first two league games 4-0 against Kimbolton and Ardingly hopes were running high. Going into the final league game against Chigwell, Oswestry just needed a victory to secure a place in the trophy knockout. Knowing that a bad performance could mean an early departure back up the M40 the boys turned on the heat in the 2nd half of the quarter-finals and beating Dulwich 3-1 they secured a place in the semi-finals against local rivals Shrewsbury.

A secure win against Shrewsbury saw Oswestry into the final to play group rivals and hosts Charterhouse once again and a 2-0 win brought the first piece of ISFA silverware in Oswestry School history back home.

Team coach, Mr Alun Morris, said, “This is a fantastic achievement for our boys and a great way to kick-off the new football season. Returning to the Sixes tournament after 5 years, we had no expectations and were delighted to not only win games against some of the biggest sporting schools in the UK, but to return to Oswestry with the Plate Cup.”


Captain Dennis Bates holds the Cup with team coach Mr Alun Morris and players Omar Elbasyouny, Sam Finley, Owen Robinson, Ben Clark, Curtis Yue, Ryan Nyamandi, Leroy Celotto and Tom Gray.