Settling in at Farlington – Mrs Frances Mwale, New Prep Headmistress

08 Oct 2014

At the end of my first Farlington month, I realise that I am still smiling! And not without good reason. I can truly say – hand on heart – that I have been most warmly welcomed by everybody: pupils, staff and parents, too. Even the rabbits have befriended me!

I suppose that it’s always hard starting somewhere new – wanting to make the best impression at all times, not giving too much of yourself away in one go (lest that be off-putting) and not putting your proverbial foot in it. However, when I have spoken out of turn, I have been gently corrected. When I have been lost in the dark corridors of the Mansion House, a sympathetic senior girl has guided me to safety and when I have misinterpreted something (nut does means nuts and not the National Union of Teachers!), my colleagues have not asked if I am really from this planet after all.

Inevitably, as in any community, there have been some sad times for individuals, whether through bereavement or illness or when facing daunting challenges: when one part of the body is hurting, we all hurt. The empathy shown within the Farlington Family has been strongly evident during tough times.

Perhaps the most trying part of the past four weeks has been waiting for my very large and fabulous bookcase to arrive. I cannot describe how wonderful it felt when, on September 30th, I was finally able to unpack! I feel a metaphor coming on – that now I can truly begin to feel like a part of the ‘Farlington Furniture’ and no longer a visitor in its midst.