Spirit of Christmas at Farlington

09 Jan 2014

The girls at Farlington have truly entered into the spirit of Christmas by raising money for good causes, participating in Carol Services and delivering chocolates to the elderly in the community.

The Senior School girls donated and delivered over 100 boxes of chocolates this week. These were brought in by the girls wrapped in House colours.  Some were taken to Rapkyns Care Centre and Clemsfold House, care homes in Broadbridge Heath where the girls also sang carols to the residents. The remaining boxes have been given to the Salvation Army to distribute.

Nursery, Reception, Prep 1 and 2 sang carols to the staff and Senior girls on Wednesday morning with rousing renditions of Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. This was in addition to their splendid Nativity performance, The Magical Christmas Puzzle. The Prep School raised over £480 for the Red Cross Philippines Disaster Fund from the collection after the Nativity, and by donating a pound to wear a Christmas jumper for a day.

The Prep School led the congregation through the story of the Nativity with readings and carols at the Christingle at St Mary’s Church, Horsham. There were solo singers and rousing class songs, all enhanced with performances from clarinettists, trumpeters, percussionists, violinists and even a harpist from the Prep School. The Samba Band, String Club, Junior Choir and Strood Players also joined in the festive celebrations. Over £600 was raised from the collection for the Red Cross Philippines Disaster and LAM Action, a charity for patients with the rare lung disorder, lymphangioleiomyomatosis.

The Senior Carol Service was also held at St Mary’s Church where the congregation enjoyed music played by some of the School’s musical groups: Flute Choir, the Telemann Ensemble, the Wind Quintet and the soulful recorders of the Strood Consort. Throughout the evening, carols were interspersed with eight readings, beautifully spoken and intelligently read by the girls and members of staff.  After final prayers, the evening ended with a tremendous fanfare of voices as the whole community joined together to sing Oh Come All Ye Faithful. A retiring collection raised over £900 for CHASE, the children’s hospice.

The term’s festivities were rounded-off by a spectacular Christmas lunch for girls and staff, beautifully served by Headmistress, Louise Higson, and Assistant Headmistress, Mandy Higgs.