Spring Grove School achieves a UK and Kent first
15 Jun 2018
Spring Grove School in Wye (Kent) achieved two ‘firsts’ at the start of November after being recognised as the first independent school in the UK, as well as the first setting of any type in Kent, to be approved by the Forest School Association (FSA) as a recognised Forest School Provider.
This outstanding recognition comes following a rigorous review of Spring Grove School’s Forest School provision and programmes in line with the FSA’s six core principles of Forest School. To date only 9 other schools and 6 dedicated providers in the UK have attained this high standard.
The Forest School approach allows children to foster their problem-solving and cooperation skills, as well as their confidence and self-esteem, and this is definitely being witnessed at Spring Grove School where this alternative type of learning has tied in perfectly with their unique and creative educational approach and ethos. Their Forest School sessions have equipped the children, with not only an appreciation for the outdoors, but also a host of teamwork, wellbeing and practical skills which can be utilised both inside and outside of the classroom.
Mr Bill Jones, Spring Grove School’s Headmaster said;
“We at Spring Grove School are delighted to have become the first independent school in the UK, as well as the first setting of any type in Kent to be approved as a Forest School Association recognised Forest School Provider. It is an honour and a privilege for us to have been recognised in this way and my sincere thanks must go firstly to our outstanding Forest School team and secondly to the FSA for their recognition and support.”
“I have personally witnessed our children develop and mature as a result of our Forest School programme and through following its core principles. The children love it and simply can’t get enough!”
“Our staff, parents and pupils choose Spring Grove School not only for its rural environment and ‘free-range’ attitude, but also because the School is truly a great place to grow for boys and girls aged 2 to 11 years. To us the provision of outdoor learning opportunities, including our newly FSA recognised Forest School, are key components of our pupils’ wellbeing and growth.”
Mr Paul Curnow, Spring Grove School’s Forest School Leader added;
“Gaining FSA accreditation for Spring Grove School has added real credibility to our expanding Forest School programme and has provided national recognition for the efforts of our children, staff and parents who have made it all possible.”
“We can now get back into the woods to do what we love best.”