St Swithun’s raise money for Hampshire and IOW air ambulance service

09 Mar 2012

A girl’s school is probably one of the best places to start looking if you want to amass a collection of bras and shoes. This is exactly what the Hampshire and IOW air ambulance service requires in order to raise money for their invaluable service. As one of the St Swithun’s chosen charities for this year the girls have been rifling through underwear drawers and old shoe lockers to provide donations to this worthy cause. So far they have managed to collect 8 large bags of shoes and 6 bags of bras (estimated 500 items of structured support). The bras head out to West Africa where they will be sold at affordable prices, benefitting the HIOWAA with payment from the recycling company. The shoes are also sold to reputable traders in other countries in the same way.
If you would like to donate any more unwanted bras or shoe to this worthy cause please contact the Hampshire and IOW air ambulance service at

Photo: Air ambulance – provided by Hampshire and IOW air ambulance service