Staines Preparatory School – Raises the Roof

04 Oct 2012

Staines Prep School has now lifted the lid on its £350k fundraising appeal just as the new roof was being placed on its £3m development at its Gresham Road site.

The appeal is the biggest in the school’s history and will help towards the purchase of specialist equipment and resources to bring the new facilities on line quickly so that its pupils can reap the benefits as soon as possible.

The extensive facilities will also be made available for local community use when the building is opened next Spring.

Headmaster Peter Roberts said: ” Whilst the ‘bricks and mortar’ are being paid for through existing school funds and bank borrowing, we have set up the appeal to fit out the building with high quality equipment for all of the new areas, particularly the multi-functional hall and specialist teaching areas.

“We are deploying a wide range of fundraising initiatives and approaches which we hope will appeal not only to our existing parents and pupils, but former-pupils, businesses and the local community as well.”

Chair of Governors Mike Bannister said: “This has been a long awaited dream which is becoming reality before our eyes. It is part of our vision to continually improve Staines Prep, keeping the school out in front with cutting edge facilities for our pupils, staff, parents and the local community.”

Emma Poole, Chair of the fundraising arm of the school, The Friends, said: “We have an amazing team of volunteers who want to help the School and are working together to make this appeal a success. We have a variety of exciting events in the pipe line from a “SPookStacular” event, to a summer fayre and a multi-media auction”.
People who would like to make a donation can do so via the School’s dedicated fundraising website or via the Virgin Money Giving link

Individuals or businesses interested in sponsorship opportunities including naming options for the multi-functional hall, the science suite, the art design and technology suite, the music room or other new rooms are asked to email