TASIS England – Young Authors & Illustrators Festival
22 Sep 2017
TASIS England Lower School celebrated the art of the written form, illustration, and mixed media at this year’s Young Authors and Illustrators Festival. The May 4 event showcased our students’ work through writing samples, which evidenced the complete process from drafts to fully published works, student art, and illustrations.
Decorated class stands featured individual books, themed class projects, and other writing and associated artwork samples.
“This festival was a culmination of the steps of the writing process in which children learn to share draft pieces with an audience, how to make suggestions in a positive way, and how to praise writing that is interesting, entertaining, and informative,” Head of Lower School Debbie Faasse stated. “I couldn’t be more pleased with the event and with the joy in our students that came from sharing their work with parents, teachers, and friends.”
The Young Authors and Illustrators Festival also gave students the chance to speak with a published author and schoolmate. Twelfth grader Hayley M. self-published a chapter book at the age of ten when she was in fourth grade. Lower School students waited in line, eager to speak with Hayley and share their stories. Some even asked for autographs!
“You cannot help but be impressed when you see this collection of artwork,” Lower School Secretary Margaret Kirwan wrote in the invitation sent home to parents. And she was correct. Great work students!