TASIS – Hour of Code Success!

14 Feb 2017

TASIS England Lower School students participated in the Hour of Code, one of the largest global education events in history. On Wednesday, January 11, students were congratulated on their successful involvement in the worldwide movement, which took place in December and reached tens of millions of students in more than 180 countries.

By the end of the challenge, 99 students participated in the event, which comprises 77% of the Lower School! Students spent a total of 11,721 minutes or 195.5 hours coding throughout the week!

Each participant received an official certificate, as well as an elastic armband which reads “LS Hour of Code #CODER.” Two lucky students won their own robots when their names were pulled from the event raffle.

The director of the new Lower School MakerSpace, Kate Dietrich, gave students the opportunity to participate in the global event by extending coding activities from the MakerSpace lessons to the children’s homes.

To prepare for the challenge, each child received an information sheet with instructions and a coding log to keep track of the time spent coding at home during the designated Hour of Code week. The goal was to accomplish a total of 60 minutes, either in one session or in a combination of smaller amounts of time.

Some students chose to work on the coding projects and challenges introduced in their school MakerSpace lessons. Others used the multitude of coding tutorials on the Code.org website to learn a new coding system altogether.

“Our students achieved amazing success with the Hour of Code event, and I hope we will continue to participate for years to come,” Kate stated proudly.

For more information on the Hour of Code, visit the official website: https://hourofcode.com/uk