Teaching children HOW to learn

04 Oct 2012

Greenfields School applies what is known as Study Technology in the teaching of its students.

All teaching staff are trained in its use as a priority action when they join the school. Students too are taught how to apply it from as early an age as possible.

Study Technology teaches a person HOW to learn. Developed by L Ron Hubbard, it identifies the barriers to study and gives students the tools to overcome those barriers. It is the foundation of all teaching done at Greenfields. Courses have been developed to teach students the techniques step-by-step and these are introduced at the appropriate point on the curriculum. When a student joins the school, he or she will first study an age-appropriate Study Technology course and then the rest of the Study Technology courses will be fitted in to his curriculum. By the end of Seniors 3 (14 years old) he or she will have completed all the Study Technology courses and an ‘internship’ and will have all the tools needed to study successfully his GCSE and A-level materials.

Understanding the barriers to study enables students to more easily grasp complex ideas and gives them practical tools to aid comprehension of subjects. At
Greenfields, study problems are overcome with some spectacular results, including success for students who had almost given up hope of being able to study at all. Mr. Hubbard’s educational research uncovered the basic reasons for students failing to grasp a subject. By using effective methods to overcome study barriers as they arise, students improve their ability to learn, to apply what they have learnt as well as learning with interest and enthusiasm.

Students are not taught how to learn in most schools. They are expected to learn their basics and their subjects but are never taught what learning is, what barriers they might run into and how to overcome such barriers.

What are the primary symptoms of study barriers? Common ones are:
•A student losing interest in a subject or studies.
•A lack of understanding of what is being taught.
•Feeling blank and stupid.
•Studying the theory but not being able to apply what was learnt.
•Forgetting what one learnt.
•Unruliness and discipline problems.
•Dropping out and quitting learning altogether.
Study Technology directly addresses these symptoms. It is not a study aid, memorisation technique or speed reading.

Study Technology provides, for the first time, the tools for a student to be able to study and fully understand any subject. It is not rote learning, but actual
understanding, accompanied by application of the material studied. Study Technology identifies three primary barriers to learning, helping students overcome study difficulties. It even establishes aptitude by enabling the student to become an independent and eager learner, who lives to study and thereby learns how to do new things.

Study Technology is not complicated or hard to learn. Hundreds of thousands of people in schools and communities around the world are using this brand new approach to learning. This method is applauded because of its simplicity and effectiveness.

More information about the Study Technology is available from the Registrar.