The Downs Malvern – Pre-Prep ‘Africa’ Week
25 Apr 2018
Pre-Prep had a fantastic week learning about all things ‘Africa’ last term. The week began with a talk from the Headmaster, Mr Cook, to Years 1 and 2. Before becoming Headmaster, Mr Cook lived in both Kenya and Zimbabwe, so he had lots of interesting things to tell the children! The children were fascinated to hear all the Headmaster’s stories about what it was like to both grow up and live in these wonderful countries and he then taught the children some Swahili words!
Pre-Prep then had a fantastic experience with ‘Beat Feet’, spending the morning in a drum workshop, learning how to play the African drums. Jude taught the children all the different sounds you can make with your hands and they worked together to sing some well-known songs along with their drums!
The children then spent the afternoon making their very own drums, using items from home that they brought in.