The King’s School, Canterbury – Community Science Day
11 Apr 2017
The King’s School, Canterbury were joined by over 60 children and parents/carers from the local area on Sunday 19th March, to explore a range of hands-on science activities in celebration of British Science Week. They were split into three groups, following a carousel of activities led by the School’s wonderful Science teachers and technicians. This included investigating woodlice, trying out some explosive flame tests and making pinhole cameras. The day finished with a delicious lunch and every child and parent/carer received a certificate presented to them by the Lord Mayor of Canterbury and Damian Collins MP.
For this pilot project, the Partnerships Team had worked closely with the local community centres, schools and Canterbury City Council to target those families that would benefit most from the day. Provision of transport, a crèche, and lunch were essential in making the session accessible for all. 23 King’s students played wonderful hosts to our guests in a variety of volunteering roles throughout the event.