Three OLA pupils receive Awards for Young People

11 Jan 2014

Issy Searle, in Year 11, received her award for her equestrian achievements this year; Lower Sixth pupil Lottie James and her sister Beckie James, in the Upper Sixth, both received awards for their performances in netball.

£1,000 of prize money was divided between the award-winners yesterday. For three of them to be OLA students is a tremendous accolade for the School.

OLA Principal, Mr Oliver, said: “Many congratulations to Issy, Lottie and Beckie – their hard work and determination has been justly rewarded. For OLA to have been represented so strongly at these Awards is testament to the support and encouragement that our PE department gives to all our pupils.”

Councillor Matthew Barber, leader of the council and cabinet member for grants, said of the Awards: “Such levels of commitment and dedication are really rather remarkable, and I think that our young people deserve the recognition being awarded to them.”