Tormead School – GCSE results

09 Oct 2013

Following hot on the heels of an excellent set of A Level results Tormead is celebrating for the second time in a week, with the release of the GCSE results.

A superb 77% of GCSE’s examinations taken were awarded grade A* or A with 38% gaining the highest A* award and 76% of the girls achieved at least 7A* or A grades.

28 girls achieved a clean sweep of 10 A*/A grades.

The excitement at school was heightened with the arrival of an Eagle Radio reporter who recorded Tilly Houston and Emily Samuels opening their results live on the morning show on Eagle Radio.

Mrs Christina Foord congratulated all the girls on an impressive set of results. “I am delighted for all the girls, who have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded with excellent results. It is an exciting time for them and we look forward to them embarking on their Sixth Form careers next term”.