Two teachers, two bikes, 24 hours, 250 miles
26 Jun 2013
Two Caterham School teachers cycled from Manchester to London over 24 hours to raise money for charity.
Conrad Ware (mathematics) and Ben Wilkinson (Head of 3D Design) set off from Manchester on Saturday 8 June as part the Ride24 action challenge. They arrived at Hackney marches at 9.30 on Sunday 9 June having covered 250 miles.
Ben Wilkinson takes up the story….
‘The sun was shining and the forecast was good, but nothing could hide the apprehension we all felt about cycling the 250 miles from Manchester to London in the next 24 hours. The ride started well as we headed towards Buxton with the 150 strong field thinning out in the hills. As the day progressed the scenery continued to be beautiful, with the route taking us through many picturesque villages, but the legs were tiring, and as the sun finally set we had reached the half way point at Banbury. We knew the night stages would be the hardest and we weren’t wrong! Pedalling 80 miles along dark and winding roads passing quiet, ghost like houses was tough, really tough. We dug deep and were buoyed on in the knowledge that we were doing this for a good cause, even if our sanity was in question. At 9.30 on Sunday morning we reached the finish at Hackney marches; physically tired, mentally drained and ready for bacon butties.‘
At the time of writing they have raised over £1000 for the school charities. Further donations can be made by visiting
Photo: Conrad Ware & Ben Wilkinson in London on their way to Hackney.