Wellington College – Oxbridge success
14 Feb 2018
Congratulations to the 20 Wellingtonians and Old Wellingtonians who have been offered places at Oxford or Cambridge.
This talented cohort will be following in the footsteps of numerous OWs currently studying towards Oxbridge degrees, taking the total number of Oxbridge successes to nearly 100 over the last four years. With so many Wellingtonians heading to the UK’s two most prestigious universities, and similar numbers taking up places at elite universities in the United States each year, these are inspiring times for our Sixth Form at Wellington.
Equally inspiring is the generous and positive contribution these Wellingtonians have made to the wider life of the school. Among the students listed below, you will find members of the College Choir, Symphony Orchestra and Acapella group; a member of the Spanish Debating team; a singer-songwriter who is preparing for the Nashville tour this summer; representatives from the College 1st XV Rugby team, U18 Basketball team and 1st Badminton pair; part of the U20 National Triathlon squad; and a contributor to Ed Club, a charity working to improve IT access for children in Africa – to name but a few.
Well done to them all!
Behr | Josh | Oxford | Philosophy & Theology |
Benkert | Max | Oxford | Chemistry |
Evershed | Charlotte | Cambridge | Human, Social and Political Sciences |
Farah | Eve | Oxford | Archaeology & Anthropology |
Frobisher | Amber | Cambridge | Mathematics |
Hannon | Matthew | Cambridge | Human, Social and Political Sciences |
Hatch | Charlie | Cambridge | Human, Social and Political Sciences |
Hilder Jarvis | Alice | Oxford | Mathematics and Philosophy |
Hind | Zoe | Oxford | Classics |
Jackson | Georgie | Cambridge | Human, Social, and Political Sciences |
May | Natasha | Cambridge | Economics |
McDaniel | Charlotte | Oxford | French |
Nason | Charlotte | Oxford | Fine Art |
Selman | Mia | Oxford | French and Spanish |
Smart | Rustan | Oxford | History and Politics |
Stoller | Dan | Oxford | Biological Sciences |
Tsang | Ian | Cambridge | Natural Sciences |
Whiteside | Eleanor | Oxford | Classics |
Windebank | Flora | Oxford | French and Italian |
Zhu | Richard | Oxford | Physics and Philosophy |